Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Signs of Spring

We had a few days of wonderful weather this past weekend, and went to work on our yard.  Our plum tree was blossoming, and the whole orchard smelled lovely.  
We revamped our raspberry patch, and made some improvements to our blueberry patch.  Hopefully we'll increase our yield this year.  We also added two new variety of cherry trees to the front yard.
Kyran was quite the helper, and let the chickens out to do some work in the raised beds.  He made sure they were all back in the coop.  

I battled many blackberries, to some degree of success.  I won't post a picture of my arms, but let's just say I have some war wounds!  Blackberries would take over if we let them.  And unfortunately, our blackberry "weeds" don't even produce berries!

Spring break is next week, and we hope do some veggie planting and get our new chicks. Spring has sprung!